What is the best wordpress theme to launch a classified website?

Posted on: July 31, 2022 by Editorial Staff - Page Views: 805

We are trying to find what is the best wordpress theme to launch your classified ads website. We have discussed the creation process of a classified website through wordpress in another article too. But now we are trying to explain more in detail what things are most important and what is the best theme to have this done on wordpress. Craigslist is a very popular website in the United States when it comes to local classified ads.

So what is the best classified theme ?

We have experimented with the sitemile classified theme a few times before writing this article, and we think this could be the best out there. They have a ton of options, and to be honest they are good. Because they even offer you a native phone app. Nobody else is doing this as the native app is such a big pain to code. But they do offer it. Also supports woocommerce, but i think in the higher plan. And this is indeed the best wordpress classified theme out there.

Does it support page builder ?

Yes it does support page builders like elementor or divi. And it has a bunch of widgets, and works kinda like a classified website builder type of software. Where everything can be drag and dropped inside a page template.

Choosing the perfect classified ads theme ?

Instead of building your classified ads website from scratch then you can simply select one ready made and high-quality WordPress themes. This theme will have all the features you need, like front-end dashboards. And even video capabilities. And then you can begin creating your own unique classified ad WordPress site with the sitemile classified theme.

Here is another type of classified theme from thememiner that could help you create your own classified ads website.