Launch a freelance directory website like upwork or fiverr

Posted on: August 22, 2022 by Editorial Staff - Page Views: 1023

You are probably wondering how to launch a freelance directory website like upwork or fiverr, and what will make to create a site where freelancers can offer their services. This freelance directory or marketplace concept is very popular among the internet people. And helps buyers and sellers reunite on the same platform. These freelancing platforms are very powerful and they are full of people making money. The freelancers post their services, and the customers will search web freelancer directory and pay for the service.

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What are the websites for freelancers ?

A freelance website is a special type of website that reunites the service providers with the customers. The freelancers will post a service they can do and the customers will buy that service. The work starts and since these platforms include an escrow payment, the freelancer will not access the money until the work is done. Because the customer needs to be sure its being done. And that is a great way to control the freelancers. That way they can get any freelance jobs and the website freelance type will get their commission for each successful project. We can make a list of the main sites offering freelance services:

What freelance website software should I use ?

Since we are so used with wordpress, and it is a great system we really recommend it for you to start your freelancer website project. And what better way to use with wordpress than a wordpress theme. Giving that fact, we can propose a few themes for this. Because they come with a lot of features and will help you speed up. Plus, your paid theme support will be also good. Also we have written another article about which is a site from the UK. See the options you have:

Project Bidding Theme – freelancer marketplace directory

This theme will allow you to create a true upwork clone or a very similar, where it contains a lot of features like: escrow, payment gateways, monetisation options and other important things. To find out more about the project bidding theme you can read on their page. And this will let you create a freelance directory website.

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Pricerr Theme – a fiverr type of theme

If you want a website specifically like fiverr, which puts the service provider in the spotlight. You can try the pricerr theme from sitemile. This theme allows you to create a service marketplace. And this is similar to the multi seller marketplace out there. And again this will let you create a freelance directory website.

What can I use for customer support ?

As we are using, there are so many live chat and customer support services out there that is hard to choose. We have chosen the live chat service from easychatdesk and we are pretty good and pleased with it. You can use that as they have a free trial, and you can try before buying.