How to use a free wordpress theme for your portfolio website

Posted on: June 11, 2022 by Editorial Staff - Page Views: 1084

free wordpress themes

When building your portfolio website you need something elegant and modern in order to impress your customers. Thats why you will need a great website. The easiest and cheapest (possibly free) way to start a website, is by using wordpress cms system. WordPress is a great piece of software which powers over 35% of the websites in the entire world. You will love it if you haven’t heard of it or never used it before.

To create a website with it, you first need a hosting account and then a domain name. Both can be acquired through various web hosts that are out there: bluehost, godaddy, wpengine, siteground, mxhost and others. After you have got your hosting, which that will cost you anywhere from 5$ to 100$ per month. I advise you to not go crazy with the hosting specially at first. You will not get that many visits anyway, so a 10-15$ a month hosting package will be more than enough.

How to find a free wordpress theme for your portfolio website

After hosting and domain, you need to get a theme. Preferably you will want to find a great looking and appealing theme that represents your taste. You need a professional design, easy to use and modern. And the most important thing for this article is to get a free portfolio wordpress theme. There are tons of free wordpress themes out there, and you can find a great one just by looking a bit more in depth. We recommend you look into the wordpress repository first, you will find great themes there too.

You should get some theme from the article we described, with the best free wordpress themes.

Using a premium or professional theme

Another route to go, if you have a bit of cash is to go with a premium theme. You could get something from themeforest, or try something from our friends at sitemile , which provide great niche themes too. When chosing a premium theme or an wordpress agency like sitemile, you will have the advantage that they will do exactly as you need , custom tailored. So when searching for a free wordpress theme for your portfolio website, you have a few possibilities. You can choose the best one you see fit for your budget.